Hello Lykkers! Today we're embarking on a journey to the frosty realms of the Antarctic for a closer look at the emperors of the ice – the penguins. Let's dive into their world, shall we?

Imagine standing on the edge of an icy frontier, wrapped up snugly against the biting chill. You hear a sound, something between a trumpet and a honk.

Turning around, you see a procession of the most dapper birds in the animal kingdom: the penguins. With their black and white suits and adorable waddle, they could easily be the best-dressed guests at a gala.

Their looks are not the main drive behind people's enthusiasm for our tuxedoed friends. Their abilities to survive in conditions that would make us shiver just thinking about it serve as the bigger source of our love for them.

Why Not Mind the Cold

Penguins wear nature-made armor - a suit of sleek feathers that contain a layer of oily substance, making these friends waterproof. Tightly packed, feathers keep icy temperatures at bay and allow penguins to glide effortlessly through frigid waters without a shiver. Meanwhile, beneath their dapper tuxedos lies a secret weapon against the chill - a thick blanket of fat, keeping penguins snug and warm in even the frostiest of conditions.

Penguins themselves are the expert energy savers, playing the magic of huddling. Have you ever seen a penguin huddle? It's like the coziest, most heartwarming group hug. They often huddle together in large groups to share body heat when the temperature plummets. Penguins on the outer edges of the huddle face the brunt of the cold, while those in the center benefit from the warmth generated by others.

You may wonder if outside penguins would be frozen to death. They would change their position to ensure their partners absorb enough heat. How considerate and wise they are!

Let's not forget about the little ones. Penguin chicks are the epitome of cuteness overload. But do you know how they are brought up?

The Biparental Care

Our feathered babies are born and reared in loving families, and receive unreserved love and protection from both parents. It's distinctive to see fathers care for the newly- laid eggs while mothers go out foraging. The males in the group huddle together and make sounds with eggs on the top of their feet, like the many exchanging ideas about how to raise a child. It's really interesting!

Mothers travel back across the ice after hunting enough food and take turns with fathers to hatch eggs and collect food from the sea. They would offer this biparental care to kids until chicks become strong enough to make their first journeys. This greatly increases the chances of safety and well-being of the young.

So, while their habitat might be a bit too chilly for our liking, there's no denying that penguins have figured out their lifestyles. From the physical design which is shaped by evolution to the sophisticated child-care techniques, they've adapted perfectly to one of Earth's final frontiers.

And with that, dear Lykkers, we close our chapter on the penguins. May we all learn a thing or two about grace under pressure and the power of community from these incredible birds? If you want to have a deeper understanding of these cute birds, there are some recommended documentaries for you.



It documents the life of King Penguins on South Georgia Island in aspects of how to make their homes and nurture their chicks. You can also enjoy a unique view of the natural wonders and the diverse life of South Georgia.


This documentary introduces how four penguin species start their journeys to make nests, mate, lay eggs, and raise their young in different locations in southern New Zealand.


Here the video leads you to dive into the penguins' behavior, diets, and how they interact with one another, and you will have a clear idea about what makes them so beloved by humans.

See you next time, Lykkers.