Apple has a good health care effect on human health, and has more dietary fiber. Because modern people eat more meat, more oil, and less vegetables and fruits, apples can be a good supplement, and the dietary fiber of apples is soluble fiber. The taste is good, and most people can accept it.

In addition, apples are rich in vitamins and minerals, such as zinc. Zinc is an essential nutrient for the human body, and lack of it will affect human development. Malic acid in apples can reduce blood lipids, soften fats, and have the effect of losing weight.

Apples have many benefits and many delicious ways to eat them.

1. Apple Salad

Wash and dice the apple, peel one orange and extract the flesh, squeeze the juice of the other orange, put it in the container together with the apples and oranges, and mix well. Mary can be.

2. Apple orange juice

You need 2 oranges, 1 apple, 1 carrot, 1 tablespoon of honey, and an appropriate amount of cold water. First, wash the carrots, peel them, and cut them into thick slices; wash the apples, peel and core them, and cut them into small pieces for later use. Next, wash the oranges, cut them into small pieces, then peel and core, take out the pulp, and then put them in a blender and blend into juice for later use. Third, put carrots and apples in a blender and blend into juice, then pour them into a cup, add cold water, orange juice, and honey and mix thoroughly.

3. Apple Pie

It's a delicious snack, and to make a pie crust, salt is first dissolved in water. Take the butter out of the refrigerator, without rewarming, cut it into squares with a side length of about 2.5cm, put it in the flour, and coat the surface with flour. Add salt water and mix well, form a ball, put it in the refrigerator to relax for more than 1 hour. Take out the refrigerated dough, roll out into a rectangle, fold from 1/4 of each side to the middle, and then fold in half to complete a 4-fold fold. Pay attention to keep the pie crust at a low temperature. When rolling and folding, you can use a very small amount of thin noodles, but the amount should not be too much, otherwise it will affect the taste of the finished product. Do this for 3 more times, and 4 folds are completed in total. After 2 folds, the dough will be refrigerated for more than 30 minutes before operation. To make the pie filling, you need 2 and a half large apples, peeled and cored, and sliced ​​about 0.5 cm thick. Stir in 1/4 cup white sugar, 1/4 cup brown sugar, 2 tablespoons lemon juice, 1 teaspoon salt. Preheat oven to 375 degrees (~180 degrees Celsius). Divide the pie crust material into 2 parts, roll out each part separately, spread one part on the bottom of the pie pan, press lightly with your hands to make it stick. Pour in the filling, and lightly brush the edges of the pie crust with a little water. Lay the second pie crust on top, press down the joints of the 2 pie crusts, and remove the excess edges. Use a knife to poke holes on it, use it for ventilation, brush with egg wash, put it in the oven, and bake. It will take about 45 to 50 minutes.